
How To Remove Auto Dictionary In Android

When you purchase a new Android phone, chances are information technology comes with plenty of preinstalled bloatware. While you lot tin uninstall those third-party bloatware apps, some of the apps are installed every bit system apps and cannot be removed. This is especially true for the whole suite of Google apps. If yous are not a fan of Google Play Music or Google Duo, sorry, you can't remove them from your phone. To become rid of arrangement apps, the easiest way is to root your phone. The bad thing is, information technology is not easy to root your telephone, and you will void your phone warranty past doing and then.

Here are a few means to uninstall bloatware/arrangement apps without root in Android.

Uninstall/Disable the bloatware

For the 3rd political party bloatware, well-nigh of them can be hands uninstalled.

one. On your Android phone, become to "Settings -> Apps & notifications."

2. Tap on "Come across all apps" and detect the app you desire to uninstall and tap on it.

3. If at that place is an "Uninstall" push button, tap to uninstall the app.

Uninstall Bloatware Without Root Android

4. If you run across a "Disable" button instead of an Uninstall push button, this means the apps cannot be uninstalled merely can exist disabled.

Disable System Apps Without Root

"Disabled" means the app becomes dormant, won't show up in your application list, and won't be recognized equally an installed app.

Tap on the Disable push to disable the app.

For Xiaomi phones, first install the "Subconscious Settings for MIUI" app.

1. Open "Subconscious Settings for MIUI."

ii. Go to "Manage applications" and find the awarding you desire to disable.

iii. Tap on the "Disable" button.

Disable Apps In Miui Xiaomi

Uninstall system apps on Android using adb

Adb is a powerful tool to debug your telephone. It also comes with commands to manage app packages (in this example, uninstall packages).

one. To apply adb, you lot need to install adb on your desktop computer.

For Linux, you lot can merely install "android-tools" from your Software Middle or package manager.

For Windows, follow the instructions here to install adb.

2. Adjacent, y'all need to enable "Programmer Options" on your phone. In one case enabled, go into the Developer Options, curl down the list and enable "USB debugging."

Enable Usb Debugging

3. Connect your telephone to the desktop via USB cable. When prompted, modify the "charge only" mode to "file transfer (MTP)" mode.

Remove Bloatware Without Root

4. In Windows, navigate to the adb directory and launch the command prompt in that binder. For Linux, just open the Terminal.

Blazon the following command to start adb and verify that the phone is continued.

If you see an entry listed under the "Listing of devices" department, then your device is connected.

Android Uninstall Bloatware Adb Devices

5. Showtime the adb trounce.

6. List all the packages installed in the phone.

Android Uninstall Bloatware Pm List Packages

The list will be very long. Yous tin apply grep to narrow down the list. For case, to only show Google packages, use the command:

Android Uninstall Bloatware List Google Apps

seven. Detect the name of the app y'all want to uninstall. The proper name is the entry after Bundle:. For example, the package proper noun for the Google Contact app is

Android Uninstall Bloatware Package Name

If you have trouble identifying the bundle name, but go to Google Play Store on your browser and search for the app. Check the URL for the package name.

Contact Package Name

8. Type the following command to uninstall the app.

Android Uninstall Bloatware Uninstall Packages

You should see the discussion "Success" if the uninstallation is successful.

The --user flag in the above command is important because it tells the system to uninstall the app for the current user only (and 0 is the default/chief user of the phone). There is no way you tin can uninstall the app from all users unless you root the telephone.

Equally a word of warning, uninstalling system apps has the potential to break the system, and so only uninstall the apps that you are sure of. Apps similar Gmail, Google Play Music, Google Play Movies, etc., are rubber to uninstall but never remove Google Play Store or any of the files associated with information technology. If the phone becomes unstable after you uninstall a item app, either reinstall it dorsum from the Google Play Store or factory reset your phone.

Disable organisation apps using Debloater Tool

If you find the process of ADB commands a bit tricky and lengthy, then fortunately for yous, there is a Debloater tool available that will ease upwards the process of disabling unwanted apps on your Android device.

Some features of this Debloater tool are information technology allows blocking or disabling apps on your Android device, allow unlocking all apps at once, import blocked listings, etc. It is a pretty straightforward tool: in one case your device is connected, it shows you a list of apps installed on your Android phone.

Practise note that in order to remove the apps, yous need to have root access on your Android phone. This tool does not uninstall system apps from your Android phone without root access. However, disabling apps also is efficient, as the disabled apps won't run in the background and eat upwards your telephone's resource.

Hither's how you tin use the Debloater tool:

1. Offset, make sure you take USB Debugging enabled on your Android device.

2. Download and install the Debloater tool on your Windows PC.

iii. Connect your telephone with the PC via a USB cablevision. Open the Debloater tool and await for it to detect your device.

4. Once your device is detected, the "Device Connected" and "Sync" notification located at the bottom of the interface will turn greenish, indicating that the connection is successful.

Debloater Tool Remove Bloatware Android

v. To populate the list with the apps installed on your Android telephone, click on the "Read Phone Packages" push button just below the "Activity Condition" carte du jour.

Read All Packages Button

vi. Just curlicue through the listing of apps and check the box next to the app that you wish to disable.

Remove Bloatware Android Debloater Tool

7. Afterwards the selection is washed, hit the "Apply" button at the top. The tool will execute that task and show you a completion message.

Remove Bloatware

Notation: a word of caution. Please do not disable any system apps because it may harm your telephone past bricking information technology. Always double-check before selecting any app.

Wrapping Upwardly

Depending on your phone manufacturer, some phones come with just a few bloatware, and the organization apps can be disabled easily while others are full of tertiary-political party apps that you cannot remove or disable at all. The instructions in a higher place will let you to uninstall bloatware system apps from your Android telephone without having to root your phone, unless you lot are considering rooting your phone.

Sagar Naresh Sagar Naresh

My work has been published on Android Authority, Android Police, Android Central, BGR, Gadgets360, GSMArena, and more. A Six Sigma and Google Certified Digital Marketer who is roofing tech-related content for the past 2 years.


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